Speedway readers
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Read tags faster, from farther away, and speed time-to-solution
Speedway readers
Impinj Speedway readers are high-performance fixed readers with the largest installed base of fixed readers across a diverse range of applications. Speedway readers deliver proven performance with a choice of different readers to match your solution specifications.
Available with 2 or 4 antenna ports, Impinj Speedway readers are high-performance RAIN RFID fixed readers that deliver the flexibility and reliability necessary to provide effective item visibility.
The Impinj Speedway reader helps you keep track of the things that matter to you. Whether you need to monitor inventory or track assets, you can count on Impinj Speedway readers delivering high performance.
Features and Specifications
- Air Interface Protocol : GS1 EPCglobal EPC Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols
- Max Receive Sensitivity : -84 dBm
- Beams: 13 dual-polarized beams
- Sectors : 3
- Antenna 3dB Beamwidth : FCC: 116° major axis, 75° minor axis
EU : 120° major axis, 83° minor axis - Operating Modes : Inventory: the mode in which the gateway detects tags similar to a speed way reader
Power & Performance
- Power Consumption : 7 W idle , 13.8 W typical
- Site Management : ItemSense
- Performance Optimization : ItemTest
Application Development
- ItemSense
- Octane Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Octane Embedded Tool Kit (ETK)
- EPCglobal Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP)
- Tool Kit (LTK)
Gateway Management
- Impinj Web Management UI
- Impinj Rshell Management Console using serial management console port or SSH
- EPCglobal Reader Management v1.0.1
- Syslo
Why Impinj
Why use Impinj Speedway readers?
With the largest installed base of fixed readers across a diverse range of applications, Speedway readers deliver proven performance with a choice of different readers to match your solution specifications.
- Flexibility for effective item visibility: multiple readers with different specifications meet different solution requirements and price points
- High performance: Maintain high read rates regardless of RF noise or interference by leveraging patented Impinj Autopilot capability that automatically optimizes performance
- Proven reliability: The largest installed base of fixed readers across a diverse range of applications